Monday, July 5, 2010

They're big kids now

Side Note: We had a blast during our week long vacation in Branson, MO with my family. I'll post pictures about that later. But first...

I realized last night that I officially don't have babies anymore (for 6 more weeks anyway).

We rearranged the guest room over the weekend. The twin beds that were together are now on separate walls, and we removed the box springs. We moved Ryan and Alyna's clothes into a dresser in the new room. All afternoon yesterday we played in that room as we moved things around, and we were sure to keep calling each bed "Ryan's bed" or "Alyna's bed."

When bedtime came, Ryan was fussy and anxious. He knew something was just not right because we kept saying "your room", but it was a new room. When we finished reading books in their beds, Alyna laid back in her bed with a big smile on her face. She was so proud of herself for getting to sleep in a big bed.

Ryan was crying. It wasn't an "I don't want to sleep," cry. It was a "What's going on, this is scary," cry. So I sat by his bed for about 5 minutes, stroking his head and telling him how proud I was that he was sleeping in a big bed. It didn't take him long to calm down, and I left the room.

Within 5 minutes it was completely quiet, and both were asleep. Alyna won the award for falling off the bed first... about 30 minutes later. We heard little cries until about 10 pm, but they'd be asleep whenever we went to check on them. They slept solidly all night (to my surprise). Ryan woke up at 6:45, and was already off the bed when I got in there, but I'm not sure how long he had been off the bed. We left the room and let Alyna sleep another 15 minutes.

They both smiled a lot this morning when I told them how proud I was that they slept all night in their big beds in their new room. But they are both fussy today. It's a combination of being home from vacation and changing rooms all at once. We wanted to do this move while Grandma is still here to help me this week.

Hopefully nap time today will go as smoothly as bedtime did.

(And Ryan has peed in the potty 2 times this morning.)

Wrestling match on Ryan's bed...

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