Tuesday, September 2, 2008

update... 35 weeks

We've past the 35 week point, which means that the babies should be healthy no matter when they are born from now on. This also means that unless there's an unexpected emergency, they should not need a NICU stay so we won't have to be shipped to the Lubbock hospital.

I'll see the doctor on Thursday morning and do more external fetal monitoring, and then have an ultrasound sometime Thursday or Friday.

We're still planning on Monday, September 15th to do the induction or c-section. It will be an induction if we find that Alyna (the bottom baby) is head down now. If she's head down we can do a natural birth and it does not matter if Ryan is breech or not. If she is breech, we will have a scheduled c-section. If we do an induction, I'll probably go to the hospital on Sunday night to start the process overnight and have the babies born sometime on Monday.

My mom will be coming in on Saturday the 13th to be here for the first 2 weeks, and then Barry's mom is coming for the next two weeks. I'm really glad to have full time help for the first month. Barry will take the first week off work, and then save the rest of his personal days for when I don't have other helpers, or for the holidays.

I've just been really tired lately. I have about two "lay downs" a day, not really naps since I don't always go to sleep, but times when I just need to lay down fully to take the pressure off my back and hips.

The other night, both babies got the hiccups at the same time... and I could feel the alternating pulses in different parts of my stomach. It was an interesting experience. Hiccups is actually good for them, because it exercises their diaphragms and lungs before they are even out of the womb.

We are just so thankful to God for both the babies health thus far.


Nicole said...

Yea, yea, yea for 35 weeks! You are amazing! Make sure you take some time for yourself the next few weeks, because it won't happen for awhile. I recommend going to a nail place and having them paint your toenails. That was my guilty pleasure every few weeks the last month of my pregnancy. For some reason, it made me so happy to see my swollen feet look so pretty. (in fact, the labor and delivery nurse commented on them in between pushes during Braedon's delivery. Go figure.)

April said...

WOW! Thanks for tagging me on facebook. It's soo good to see what you're up to these days...and, wow. You're pregnant with twins-a boy and a girl! Amazingly wonderful. Know that I am praying for you and hoping all the best for your entire family. I'm glad I've found your blog via facebook; I'll enjoy keeping up with you. I'm so glad your check-up's are going well and that you're already to the 35 week mark! As a RN who works (only occassionally) in Pulmonology--hooray for 35 weeks and even longer, if possible! :) Can't wait to read your continued updates. Blessings to you!