Thursday, August 6, 2009

Too cute

Here's my crew the day after Daddy got back from a business trip to Germany. They were so glad he was home they wouldn't leave him alone.

Alyna's babbling has some distinguishable words in it now. For a while now she's been saying Mama, um num, and hi. Last week we think she added Dada, but it sounds more like "the the". It is hard to tell sometimes because it's similar to the "bebebebe" babble she does a lot when she's playing. Sunday morning she looked at me and said, "Ah na nu". I said, "I love you too", and she smiled really big. Yesterday a friend and I both heard her saying, "Ryan" as clearly as is possible in her 10 month old voice. She's quite the expressive girl.

She also does the "big smile" I taught her Uncle Daniel to do when he was a baby. She squints her eyes real tight and smiles really big. I do it back to her, and then we both giggle.

Ryan can't make a right hand turn. {Zoolander fans will know what I mean right away.} He was standing at the side of the recliner, dropped his left foot back to face me while holding on with his right hand, and then walked 3 steps to me. I set him down, and he walked back to the recliner. He then dropped his right foot back to turn to face me again, and fell down. It made me laugh because of that movie.

We bought a toy with wheels and a handle for them to push around to practice walking, but Ryan keeps turning it upside down to play with the wheels. He'll be on the other side of the room, and when I turn it right side up again, he will crawl all the way over to turn it over again and play with the wheels. Funny kid... but Alyna's not too happy with him.

Ryan has also learned to "zerbit". (That's the Bill Cosby term for blowing on someone's skin and making that "phhttt" sound.) He'll put his mouth just about anywhere and blow. His favorite is when we're lying down because he'll lift our shirts and zerbit our bellies. Hmmmm, wonder where he learned that?

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