We leave tomorrow for Kellyn's first road trip. We flew with her to Tennessee in March, but she's never done a trip more than a 2 hour drive away for shopping or appointments in Lubbock or Midland. I suspect she'll be as good a traveller as her siblings who love to go places, and only occasionally get so tired of their car seats that they start screaming about it.
I took some of toys over to a friend's house this morning and brought some of their toys home with us to take on the trip. With those "new toys", and the DVD player in the van, hopefully the trip will pass quickly.
We're off to the Dallas/Ft Worth area first (about 6 hours away) to visit my cousins, aunt and uncle, and some old friends for a few days. Alyna's been asking to go to the zoo all summer so, weather permitting, we will go to the Ft. Worth zoo on Tuesday. After that we'll have nap time in the car as we drive the 3 1/2 hours south to Austin. We're staying with my brother and his family through the weekend, and plan to also spend some time with Barry's brother and his wife while we're there.
Ryan and Alyna are very excited about spending time with their cousins, and that includes my cousins' kids whom they've never met before. We also plan to have their 3rd birthday party while we're in Austin, it'll just be a few days early.
Pictures and more descriptions are sure to follow after the trip...
Other News:
Now 1 year old Kellyn is walking all over the place, except when I put shoes on her. And she's gotten her 4 front teeth in last 4 weeks. Fun times...
Alyna is starting to understand math concepts like that a $20 bill is bigger than $1 bill. So smart.
Ryan is still not pooping in the potty very often despite being pantless all week at the house... not sure what to try next.
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