Monday, September 26, 2011

littlest singer

Alyna sang her first recognizable lyrics to a song when she was 15 months old... I thought is was remarkably cute and smart of her to sing "row row row bo" over and over again.

But Kellyn, who is very verbal already, is only 13 months old and sings multiple lines of multiple songs.

"buh rou rou rou" (while rolling her arms in a circle)- wheels on the bus go round and round
"bee bee bee" - horn goes beep beep beep

"row row row bo" - row row row your boat

"upa buh buh wa" (while opening and closing her hands) - up above the world so high (from Twinkle Twinkle)

"a face, ooray" - face will surely show it, if you're happy and you know it shout hooray

:E-I-E-I, ah ah"  - E-I-E-I-O, and a dog says "ah"

She also knows where her eyes, ears, mouth, belly button, hands, and feet are. She's a sweety too, and loves to laugh and be tickled.

It's amazing to watch God's development plans for each child as they differ. Each child seems to have talents that also compliment their personalities. I look forward to seeing all their talents develop further over the years.

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