Monday, January 31, 2011

School zone

Kellyn's toys are fast taking up space in the living room... see...

The big kids needed more space for their big kid activities. Since we plan on doing preschool and at least the first few years at home, I decided to create a "school zone" early.

The cabinet keeps art supplies and play-do out of reach on the top shelves, and other activities like hand puppets put away from sight.

The sling bookshelf is easily accessable to the little hands, and the other bookshelf is nice for placing preschool activity toys like puzzles, shapes buckets, stacking toys, and alphabet toys.

The table is just their size and great for all their activities. We still need to purchase little chairs for it, but for now they are at the right height to stand for the activiites anyway.

Today's preschool activities during Kellyn's morning nap included puzzles, coloring, naming shapes and colors, and finally playing with balloons. I always have to give them the exact same color balloons or they'll end up fighting over the same one.

After those activities I did my 22 minute pilates workout. Barry and I are wanting to take a beach vacation by ourselves this summer which means I've really got to get working on getting back into shape. It's really good motivation...

1 comment:

Deborah said...

This is great! I have a feeling you will spend a lot of time in there!