Alyna, the toddler who already wants to do everything herself (or at least try), has finally decided that nap time is better with someone to sleep with.
When Ryan was sick a month ago, she threw a fit several times when he would come climb into her bed. So he stopped doing that. We've been having issues that past couple weeks with Alyna throwing tantrums at nap time and bed time. She doesn't want to lie down in her bed, and gets up repeatedly.
Thursday at nap time, Barry finally gave up and just brought her out of her room after 25 minutes of a tantrum after Ryan had already fallen asleep. I took her into my bed, and she went to sleep almost immediately on his side of the bed. We slept there for 2 hours, and Ryan was still asleep in his own bed. I definitely don't want to make a habit of this because after the baby is born I won't always be able to nap with her.
Friday at nap time she kept coming into the hallway and we repeatedly put her back in her bed. Finally we shut the door fully and she cried, but stopped eventually. About an hour later she awoke crying and when I went in I found that she had actually been at the end of Ryan's bed. I think she was disoriented when she woke up and fell off the bed. Then neither one would go back to sleep.
Today I again told her to get back in bed several times, and even took her into the bathroom for a small swat on the leg so that she knew she was in trouble. I then heard Ryan and Alyna talk and play for the next 30 minutes, but we decided that as long as they were in the room, that was ok. Sure enough 40 minutes after the initial nap time tuck in, all was quiet. I waited 10 more minutes and then peaked in the room. Alyna is curled up on her bed on top of her pillow in the corner of the bedframe and the wall, and Ryan is lying in the middle of her bed on his back. His head is on her pillow and he's covered with her sheet.
Well, whatever works. I just hope it lasts past the hour mark today.
Update: Nope... Alyna woke up at 1 hour, and was upset that someone else was in her bed. Ryan stayed asleep where he was, so I removed her from the room. She used to be the one who wanted the 2 hour naps and Ryan would wake up after an hour, but not this week.
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