Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fun Stuff

Ryan's favorite new game for Mommy to play is "Oh no, I'm stuck". I give him a kiss on the cheek, but my lips get stuck to his face. I have to zerbit (Bill Cosby's term) him to get unstuck. He laughs, and wants me to do it again and again. He's such an affectionate little boy and is always giving Alyna hugs and kisses.

Everytime we get in the van now, they throw a fit if they don't get to play up front for a few minutes first. Most of the time I just plan for 5 minutes ahead to give them that time. Ryan loves to drive, and Alyna messes with all the knobs on the air and radio controls. When we finally get in the driver seat we have to check that everything is set back to normal: hazard lights, wipers, a/c temp and speed, sliding door controls, etc. Sometimes when we aren't going anywhere I just let them play in the garage and the van for extended times. It's good that they like to do this because Barry and I need to prep for the garage sale we want to have soon.

They love to sit on the potty, (usually right after I've gone). The biggest problem right now is that both of them always want to sit on the big potty at the same time. We have 2 little potty chairs, so I make them take turns for who has to sit on one of those. I plan to start taking them more regularly this week, and we'll see how that goes. Barry is off for the next 5 days, so he'll be here to help with all the bending over that it entails.

Alyna was fascinated by her pink pullups with Princesses on them. I put a bunch of boy and girl Pullups in a box in the bathroom, and... well...

Alyna then piled them all up together... she's my little organizer

while Ryan decided to climb... no surprise there.

Update: Upon being asked, Alyna put the pile of pink Pullups back into the box. She's such a good girl.

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