Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving... and to thank you for reading my blog.

It's good to have a way to unobtrusively share what is happening in my life with family and friends all over the world.

I'm so thankful this year for my 5 years of marriage, a safe (though tough) pregnancy, and two healthy babies. Ryan and Alyna are my greatest "new" blessing this year. I enjoy being a mom so much, and I'm thankful every day that God has given me this beautiful family. (Though sometimes at 3 am I don't know how I'll handle being so blessed.)

I'm also thankful to have a husband with a good job, money in the bank, two working and paid for cars, a house, and a loyal, loving dog.

I'm thankful for wonderful ladies at church who don't mind that I bring two babies to Ladies Bible Class every week. I'm sure it's disruptive to some, but they've all been so gracious in helping care for Ryan and Alyna during that hour. Even when I'm really tired I want to go to class on Tuesday mornings because it is such a blessing in my life. It gets me out of the house for a time of spiritual renewal, and it is an environment filled with lots of Aunts and Grandmas for my babies. I love the ladies all so much for their care and love.

Thank you God for all my blessings. Bless all who read this with comfort and warmth this week as we celebrate this holiday.


April said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! It is nice to have a helpful church family, isn't it?! :)

Daniel N. Lee said...

And I am blessed to have a new nephew and finally a niece. They are both beautiful, and I can't wait to see them in the spring.

Love ya!