Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fun new tricks

Ryan has learned to play peek-a boo in the curtains, and it's a lot of fun. From what I've read, most kids don't do this reversal of the game until after 12 months, but he's a smart little boy. He pulls the curtains all around him, and then throws them off when we say, "Where's Ryan?"

Alyna was drinking her bottle one day and found a fascinating way to make a mess. She pulled the bottle out of her mouth and grabbed the nipple while I still had it tipped down. It sprayed all over her arm. She didn't laugh, but she did try to do it again, over and over and over. So I quickly learned to tip the bottle back down as soon as it leaves her mouth.

One of their favorite things now is to sit on the couch like Mommy and Daddy do. When you set them on the seat they just giggle. Ryan likes to crawl/climb from one end to the other like he's swimming laps. We've had to teach him not to lean over the arms though... he already took one nasty tumble off a side table.

Forget the teething toys, they'd much rather chew on the remote control or a coaster. The remote control is an extra we have that doesn't have any batteries in it. They love to play with anything that has buttons.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

The battery-less remote is the best toy ever. Ours has been in effect for over two years. You will someday progress to the battery-less cordless phone and the battery-less cell phones. Oh, and Braedon also has a fried ipod. (We actually have a box on the toy shelf labeled "electronics!")

btw-can't remember if I already said this or not, but we would love to see you in September! We can get lunch, or maybe do takeout and bring the kiddos back to my house (babyproofed within and inch of it's life and gazillions of toys they cant kill)