Sunday, December 14, 2008

The sleep trend continues

I'm so proud of the munchkins...

Last night, Ryan finished around 9:15, and I was asleep around 10:15... and he didn't eat until 3:15 am. That's 5 hours of sleep for Mommy. What a good feeling that is after all these months.

In the past 5 days, Ryan has gone 6 hour blocks every night except once night that was only 5 1/2 hours. I feed Alyna first at the 8 pm feeding and then wake her to feed after he does, so she has been sleeping 7 hours straight.

I think Ryan's close to sleeping even longer because he's started eating less when he wakes up after the 6 hours. That's been the trend so far. When he starts to eat for only 10 minutes before falling asleep, a week later he's sleeping longer and then eating more again.

One of these days I'll try waking them up to eat again around 11 pm and see if they'll go until morning. But I'm so happy with this trend of 6 hours, that I don't want to risk breaking it. Ryan always does better when we stick with our routine.


Nicole said...

Braedon started doing the same thing Ryan is doing, pretty much using me to fall back asleep. Once we started the whole "letting him cry it out" thing, that almost immediately stopped. Food for thought. If you do go that route, it's awful the first few nights because they sound so pitiful. I recommend a long hot shower and leaving your hubby to deal with it!

Isn't sleep such a great feeling? It gets better and better the older they get. Once they get on solid foods it's easier to put them down earlier for bed.

Nicole said...

I just realized how "know it all mommy" my comment reads! I'm soooooo happy for how well they are doing in the sleep department. I don't know how you do it with two, I barely handled it the first three months with one!!!!