I got to see a 3D ultrasound today, and it was so special. The twins are doing great. Alyna is head down with her feet over to my right side, and is usually in a tight fetal position with her bottom next to Ryan's head. Ryan's feet are to the left of Alyna's head and is usually a little more stretched out, which is why I often feel him pressing into my ribs.
Today I saw firsthand that they spend their awake time kicking each other in the face. At times it was hard to get a good picture of one's face because the other's foot was in the way. I even saw Alyna's face make grimacing movements when it happened.
They are both almost 2 pounds now at 26 weeks. Ryan is slightly larger than his sister, but she'll probably be the first one out if they stay in the positions they've been in since the beginning. So I've got 11 weeks to go before the doctor will induce labor if I haven't begun it already... and I'm so looking forward to actually meeting my babies.